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Every Wednesday night at 6:45pm, we will be having our meetings!
Children will progress through a series of books, earning badges and awards as they go.
Awana is broken up into four age groups:
Puggles (Preschool - 2 Years Old)
Cubbies (Preschool - 3 & 4 Years Old)
Sparks (K5-2nd Grade)
T&T (3rd-6th Grade)
At the conclusion of each night, children will sing the Awana song, and are awarded for completing an area of study that took place during handbook time.
Awards and Dismissal Time:
Children will be taught the Bible at a level appropriate to their age. While Puggles, Cubbies and Sparks will learn about the Bible through stories, T&T clubbers will go deeper into biblical doctrine and how to apply it to their lives.
Through energetic and fun competition, your child will learn the value of teamwork and good sportsmanship.
Through personal study, your child will be encouraged to memorize scripture and understand its application to their life. It is during this time that they are encouraged to share what they have accomplished with our trained leaders as well as begin to work ahead on their next section.
Handbook Time:
Game Time:
Lesson Time:
The night will begin with your children saying the pledge to the Awana flag, singing songs, and opening in prayer. After any special announcements, your child will move on to the activities for their age group.
First time: When you arrive, please stop by the Children's Welcome Center located just inside the main entrance of the left double doors. You and your child will be greeted by a leader who will help you through the registration process, and find or provide answers to any questions you may have.
If you haven't registered online, you will be asked to fill out a registration form.
Week to Week: Your child will need to check in each night so we can record any points for him or her. He or she will then have the opportunity to say any sections they may have learned throughout the week to one of our trained leaders.